Mogoče se boste kdaj znašli v skupini ljudi, ki bo razpravljala o kakšni aktualni temi, pri čemer boste hoteli tudi sami prispevati svoje mnenje in nadaljevati debato. V takšnem primeru vam bodo spodnje fraze, ki so razdeljene v funkcijske sklope še kako pomagale.
Pa si poglejmo nekaj osnovnih, splošnih fraz.
1. Uvajanje izhodiščne točke
- First of all I’d like to point out…
- The main problem is…
- The question of…
- Speaking of…
- What we have to decide is…
2. Naštevanje točk
- First of all, I’d like to say…
- In addition to that…
- Moreover,…
- Furthermore,…
- Another example of this is..
- First, second, third…
- Finally,…
3. Izražanje osebnega mnenja
- It seems to me that…
- I have the feeling that…
- I feel that..
- I’m absolutely convinced that…
- You can take it from me that…
- I think/don’t think that…
- In my opinion,…
- Well, if you ask me…
- As I see it…
- The way I see it, …
- Personally, I believe/suppose/feel (that)…
- I’m convinced that…
- Expressing pros and cons
- There are two sides to the question.
- On the one hand…,on the other hand…
- An argument for/ in favour of/ against if…
- While admitting that…one should not fornet that..
- Some people think that…,others say that…
4. Izražanje mnenja ZA ali PROTI
- There are two sides to the question.
- On the one hand…,on the other hand…
- An argument for/ in favour of/ against if…
- While admitting that…one should not fornet that..
- Some people think that…,others say that…
5. Izražanje dvoma
- I’m not sure if…
- I’m not convinced that…
- I wonder if you realize that…
- I doubt that.
6. Izražanje nestrinjanja
- I don’t agree with you about…
- I can’t accept your view that…
- I’m of a different opinion…
7. Izražanje podpore, strinjanja
- You’re quite right.
- That’s a very important point.
- You’ve got a good point there.
- I couldn’t agree with you more.
- You look the words right out of my mouth.
- Giving reason
- The reason for this is (that)…
- I base my argument on…
- I tell you all this because…
8. Držati se teme, ne odmikati se od bistva
- It would be more to the point if…
- Come to the point.
- That’s not the problem.
- What we are discussing is…
- …has nothing to do with my argument.
- That’s not relevant.
- Drawing conclusion and summing up
- The obvious conclusion is…
- Last but not least…
- The only alternative (left) is…
- The only possible solution/conclusion is…
- Summing up, I’d like to say that…
- In conclusion we can say that…
- To cut a long story short,…
- Just to give you the main points again,…
V kolikor bo debata bolj zahtevna, bo seveda zahtevala tudi marsikatere druge fraze, katere lahko najdete v seznamih na naslednjih straneh.