Angleško besedotvorje zna biti kar zahtevno, saj tvorba novih besed vključuje ogromno predpon in pripon. Spodnji prispevek bo nanizal in razložil tiste, ki se pojavljajo najbolj pogosto.
Med najpogostejše predpone spadajo:
ex- | dis- | anti- |
pre- | mis- | post- |
auto- | re- | un- |
im- | ir- | over- |
semi- | tri- | in- |
non- | inter | sub |
super | trans | under |
fore- | mid- |
Da bo pomen vsake razumljiv, jo bomo razčlenili – opisali njen pomen, nanizali nekaj besed, v katerih se pojavljajo in na koncu dodali še vzorčni stavek.
Ex-pomen: bivši, starejši, manjkajoč
Besede: exhale, ex-wife, exauthorize, excentral
Primer: His ex-wife was supposed to meet you at a friend’s home.
Besede: exhale, ex-wife, exauthorize, excentral
Primer: His ex-wife was supposed to meet you at a friend’s home.
Dis-pomen: ne, nasprotje nečesa, obratnost
Besede: disagree, disappear, disregard, disqualified
Primer: She was disqualified from that football competition.
Besede: disagree, disappear, disregard, disqualified
Primer: She was disqualified from that football competition.
Anti-pomen: proti nečemu
Besede: antifreeze, antipathy, antibiotic, antisocial, anti-war
Primer: She took part in the anti-war demonstration.
Besede: antifreeze, antipathy, antibiotic, antisocial, anti-war
Primer: She took part in the anti-war demonstration.
Pre-pomen: pred
Besede: prefix, preschool, pre-intermediate, pre-tax
Primer: Preschool prepares children for kindergarten.
Besede: prefix, preschool, pre-intermediate, pre-tax
Primer: Preschool prepares children for kindergarten.
Mis-pomen: napačen, napačno
Besede: misunderstand, misfire
Primer: I’m sorry but you misunderstood me.
Besede: misunderstand, misfire
Primer: I’m sorry but you misunderstood me.
Post-pomen: kasneje
Besede: post-office, postgraduate
Primer: I will do my postgraduate work at Toronto University.
Besede: post-office, postgraduate
Primer: I will do my postgraduate work at Toronto University.
Auto-pomen: samodejen, vezan nase
Besede: automatic, automobile
Primer: Do you drive a manual or automatic?
Besede: automatic, automobile
Primer: Do you drive a manual or automatic?
Re-pomen: ponovno
Besede: return, remainder, re-useable.
Primer: This vehicle is certainly re-useable.
Besede: return, remainder, re-useable.
Primer: This vehicle is certainly re-useable.
Un-pomen: ne, nasprotje nečesa, obratnost
Besede: unhappy, unfriendly
Primer: You must careful about him. Him attitudes are unfriendly.
Besede: unhappy, unfriendly
Primer: You must careful about him. Him attitudes are unfriendly.
Im-pomen: ne, nasprotje nečesa, obratnost
Besede: impolite, impossible
Primer: I’m sorry but You are very impolite person.
Besede: impolite, impossible
Primer: I’m sorry but You are very impolite person.
Ir-pomen: ne, nasprotje nečesa, obratnost
Besede: irrelevant, irregular
Primer: You can use this page about irregular verbs.
Besede: irrelevant, irregular
Primer: You can use this page about irregular verbs.
Over-pomen: prekomeren, v izobilju
Besede: overlook, overdose
Primer:This is too important to overlook.
Besede: overlook, overdose
Primer:This is too important to overlook.
Semi-pomen: polovičen
Besede: semifinal, semicircle, semi-final
Primer: To reach the semifinal is a big achievement for our team.
Besede: semifinal, semicircle, semi-final
Primer: To reach the semifinal is a big achievement for our team.
Tri-pomen: trojni
Besede: triangle
Primer: You must study topics related to triangle.
Besede: triangle
Primer: You must study topics related to triangle.
In-pomen: ne, nasprotje nečesa, obratnost
Besede: infield, innocent, injustice
Primer: He must speak out against injustice.
Besede: infield, innocent, injustice
Primer: He must speak out against injustice.
Non-pomen: ne, nasprotje nečesa, brez nečesa, obratnost
Besede: nonsense, nonstop
Primer: This plane flies nonstop to Toronto.
Inter-pomen: med
Besede:; international, interrupt, inter-rail
Example Sentence; English is an international language.
Besede:; international, interrupt, inter-rail
Example Sentence; English is an international language.
Sub-pomen: pod
Besede: submarine, subway, supprime
Primer: She has never seen a blue submarine in my life.
Besede: submarine, subway, supprime
Primer: She has never seen a blue submarine in my life.
Super-pomen: nad nečem
Besede: supernational, superclass, superstar
Primer: She is one of the best superstars in the world.
Besede: supernational, superclass, superstar
Primer: She is one of the best superstars in the world.
Trans-pomen: preko, čez
Besede: translate, transatlantic, transparent
Primer: I think, this transparent liquid contains some dangerous proteins.
Besede: translate, transatlantic, transparent
Primer: I think, this transparent liquid contains some dangerous proteins.
Under-pomen: spodaj, dol
Besede: undersea, underwater
Primer: Can you swim underwater?
Besede: undersea, underwater
Primer: Can you swim underwater?
Fore-pomen: najprej, vnaprejšnji
Besede: forecast, foreboding
Primer: The weather forecast is not necessarily reliable.
Besede: forecast, foreboding
Primer: The weather forecast is not necessarily reliable.
Mid-pomen: na sredini, srednji
Besede: midway, middle
Primer: When George was midway through a sentence, the mobile phone went dead.
Besede: midway, middle
Primer: When George was midway through a sentence, the mobile phone went dead.