Internet je poln angleških okrajšav, od katerih se nekatere pojavljajo bolj pogosto druge manj. Spodnji prispevek je zbral zajetno skupino tistih najbolj pogostih.

LOL laugh out loud
BTW by the way
OMG oh my god
IDK I don’t know
THX thanks
JK just kidding
FYI for your information
ILY I love you
TBH to be honest
IMO in my opinion
PPL people
BRB be right back
IDC I don’t care
TGIF thank god it’s Friday
TMI too much information
ASAP as soon as possible
NVM never mind
TTYL talk to you later
TTYS talk to you soon
AFAIK as far as I know
AKA also known as
TBA to be announced
CU see you
B/C because
ETA estimated time of arrival
N/A not available
NC no comment
RSVP répondez s’il vous plaît (please reply)
TBC to be continued
YW you’re welcome
POV point of view
NRN no reply necessary
HTH hope this helps
IAC in any case
LMK let me know
TC take care
NP no problem
AAMOF as a matter of fact
ATM at the moment
AWOL absent without official leave
BBIAB be back in a bit
BBL be back later
CTN can’t talk now
EOM end of message
CMIIW correct me if I’m wrong
GL good luck
GTG got to go
HOAS hold on a second
DGMW don’t get me wrong
IIRC if I remember correctly
MMB message me back
OIC oh I see
WB welcome back
OTOH on the other hand
DIY do it yourself
TYT take your time
YOLO you only live once