Ljudje radi rečejo, da nesreča nikoli ne počiva. Lahko ste na brezskrbnih počitnicah v tujini in se zgodi, da se poškodujete. Prvi v vrsti prispevkov bo nanizal najbolj tipično besedišče, ki je povezano z obiskom pri zdravniku in bolezenskimi stanji.


občutek v telesu, do katerega pride, če se poškodujete ali zbolite

  • Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her neck, shoulder, waist, arm, leg, stomach.
  • Take an aspirin to relieve the pain.

dlje trajajoča bolečina, čutiti dlje trajajočo bolečino

  • I can’t sleep because my head aches too bad.
  • I have a terrible headache, backache, stomach-ache.

trpeti zaradi bolezni, ne počutiti se dobro

  • My elder sister is seriously ill in St John’s hospital.
  • The children started to feel ill an hour after the meal.

občutiti slabost, hoteti bruhati

  • I feel very sick, I don’t think I can work today.
  • Be careful with the cake, too much of it can make you sick.

boleč (in pogosto rdeč) del telesa zaradi vnetja ali zaradi pretirane uporabe mišice

  • I have a sore throat, I mustn’t take that cold drink.
  • She says her stomach is still sore after the operation.
  • His feet were sore after the bicycle trip.

stanje, ko smo v fizično ali psihično slabem stanju, bolezen

  • Our secretary missed a lot of work through illness last month.
  • Flu can be a serious illness if you aren’t careful enough.

resnična bolezen, ki pogosto nastane zaradi vnetja

  • Peter’s uncle suffers from a rare blood disease.
  • A fatty diet increases the risk of heart disease.
  • The government is planning further health measures to prevent the spread of disease.

ponovno postati zdrav, ozdraviti nekoga

  • As I see it will take a long time for your wounds to heal.
  • This ointment will help to heal your scratches.
  • The tea you made really healed me.

ozdraviti nekoga neke bolezni

  • He was seriously ill for a long time, but the doctor cured him at last.
  • Scarlet fever is a serious illness, but it can be cured fairly fast.

zdravilo ali postopek zdravljenja, ki odpravi bolezen

  • There is no known cure for this illness but the it can be treated.
  • I’m afraid you must be taken to hospital for the cure.

dati medicinsko pomoč nekomu, ki jo potrebuje

  • I was treated for flu, but later I was diagnosed with pneumonia.
  • This illness is usually treated with antibiotics and a strict diet..

postopek zdravljenja bolezni ali poškodbe

  • Doctors apply various treatments for this illness.
  •  My sister goes to a wellness centre to receive beauty treatments.

definirati, opisati bolezensko stanje

  • The blood test is used to diagnose all kinds of diseases.
  • She was diagnosed (as) (a) diabetic in her early childhood.

opis bolezenskega stanja

  • The doctors didn’t share every detail of the diagnosis with the patient’s family.
  • We had to wait a lot for the exact diagnosis after the examination.

škoda povzročena telesu, kot naprimer v nesreči

  • They were lucky to escape the fight without serious injuries.
  • There were only minor injuries in the crash.

utrpeti poškodbo ali poškodovati drugega

  • He injured his finger when he was cutting the meat.
  • Nobody was killed in the accident, but two people were seriously injured.

poškodba dela telesa, še posebej takšna, ki povzroči predrtje kože, rana

  • He died from the wounds that he had received in the crash.
  • He was taken to hospital although his wounds didn’t seem too serious.

rana povzročena z nečim ostrim

  • He had such a deep cut on his arm that he was taken to hospital.
  • The victim had several cuts on his chest, still he survived.

moder, rjav ali vijolični madež na koži po tem, ko smo se udarili

  • He was covered in bruises at the end of the football match.
  • The man came to the surgery with a huge bruise over his eye.

drgniti kožo z nohti, ponavadi zato, ker srbi – praskati;
praska, ki nastane zaradi drgnjenja kože

  • The cat continuously scratched itself behind the ear.
  • She had a long scratch on her arm when she came out of the rose garden.

bolezen, ki jo povzroči bakterija ali virus – okužba

  • Wash your hands carefully to decrease the risk of infection.
  • She almost died from blood infection.

stanje, kjer del telesa pordeči, postane boleč in zatečen zaradi okužbe ali poškodbe – vnetje

  • My knee was twice the size of the other one due to the inflammation.
  • You had better not eat fatty food so soon after your stomach inflammation.

sprememba v telesu, ki kaže na to, da niste zdravi

  • You don’t necessarily need a doctor with symptoms like a headache or sore throat.
  • Depression can cause physical symptoms, too.

meritev tega, kako vroče je vaše telo

  • have a temperature – ko je vaša temperatura višja, kot je normalna
  • I feel so weak, I think I have a temperature.
  • She had such a high temperature that she was immediately taken to hospital.

zdravstveno stanje, ko ima nekdo višjo temperaturo, kot je normalna – vročina

  • Did you take aspirin to reduce the fever?
  • Our daughter has been diagnosed with scarlet fever.

bolezen, ki prizadane nos in/ali grlo ter povzroči kašelj ali kihanje

  • I think I caught a cold on the ice rink yesterday.
  • She can’t come to school, she’s in bed with a cold.

zelo hud prehlad, nalezljiva bolezen s temperaturo, bolečinami in slabostjo

  • Please don’t visit us this week, the whole family has the flu.
  • If you’re not careful enough and you don’t take antibiotics, you may even die from the flu.

izprazniti vsebino želodca skozi usta, bruhati

  • There must have been something wrong with the food as both children vomited shortly after the meal.
  • I’m afraid I’m pregnant; I vomit after getting up every morning.

snov, ki jo spijemo ali pogoltnemo z namenom, da bi ozdraveli

  • You look so pale. Haven’t you taken your medicine this morning?
  • The doctor prescribed three kinds of medicine for me.

zdravila, ki uničijo bakterije in zdravijo vnetja

  • My mum’s throat infection went away after she started the antibiotics.
  • Hot tea won’t be enough to cure your flu, I think you also need antibiotics.

pain killer
vrsta zdravil, ki olajša bolečino in neugodje v času bolezni ali poškodbe

  • I had such a horrible headache last night that I took two pain killers.
  • She says she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to take pain killers too often.

blood pressure
hitrost, s katero kri potuje po telesu

  • Drink some coffee if you feel your blood pressure is too low.
  • High blood pressure increases the risk of having a heart attack.

pulziranje krvi, ki se pretaka po telesu – utrip

  • The doctor started the examination with taking my pulse and blood pressure.
  • He has such a weak pulse that it’s hard to feel.

rentgenski posnetek nekogaršnjih kosti in organov

  • They took x-rays of my knee to make sure it wasn’t broken.
  • The doctor says that the x-ray has proved his suspicion of cancer, but I don’t believe him.

oseba, ki biva v bolnišnici oziroma se zdravi – pacient

  • The doctor examined the patient very carefully but he didn’t find any disorder.
  • There were so many patients in the doctor’s surgery that I didn’t wait and I went home.

prostor, kjer zdravnik sprejme pacienta – ordinacija
postopek zdravljenja, ki zajema uporabo skalpela na telesu pacienta – operacija

  • I wanted to see a doctor but the surgery was closed.
  • I hope they can cure me with medicine and I don’t need undergo surgery.

uporaba skalpela na telesu pacienta z namenom, da se odstrani bolni del ali se ga pozdravi

  • The operation was successful but the patient died.
  • The doctor says I can hardly escape an operation.

operating theatre
soba v bolnici, ki je uporabljena za operativne posege – operacijska dvorana

  • The patient died on the way to the operating theatre.
  • She felt nervous as she looked round the operating theatre.

prodajalna, kjer prodajajo zdravila, lekarna

  • The doctor suggested to go to the chemist’s for the medicine straight from the surgery.
  • This syrup is also sold in the supermarket, so you don’t need to go to the chemist’s.

list papirja, ki ga pacient dobi od zdravnika, s katerim dobi zdravila v lekarni, recept

  • Unfortunately, the doctor forgot to sign the prescription and so the chemist refused to give me the medicine.
  • Keep this prescription even though you don’t need the medicine now; you may need it later. 