Kaj je razlika med temi glagoli?


Odgovor je preprost – nekateri zaznamujejo aktivnost, drugi raznamujejo stanja. Glagoli, ki ne opisujejo aktivnosti oziroma dejanja, se imenujejo STANJSKI GLAGOLI in ne morejo biti uporabljeni v Continuous časih (BE + glagol + ING), čeprav govorimo o sedanjem trenutku (NOW).

I believe you. NE I’m believing you.
I have known him for years. NE I have been knowing him for years.
Your idea sounds great. NE Your idea is sounding great.
Yes, I hear you. NE Yes, I am hearing you.
They impress me a lot. NE They are impressing me a lot.
I wish I smoked less. NE I’m wishing I smoked less.
She doesn’t understand me. NE She isn’t understanding me.
The milk tastes bad. NE The milk is tasting bad.
This book belongs to me now. NE This book is belonging to me now.

Delimo jih v skupine:

1. glagoli, ki označujejo čustva: like, dislike, love, hate, prefer, adore, wish, want
2. glagoli čutnih zaznav: feel, see, hear, taste, smell
3. glagoli, ki označujejo miselna dogajanja: forget, believe, wonder, know, agree, disagree,
guess, doubt, understand …
4. glagoli, ki označujejo stanja: seem, cost, contain, belong, sound, own, have
glagoli, ki označujejo lastnino: have, belong to, possess, own
6. glagoli, ki označujejo meritve: fit, measure, weight
