V angleščini je obstaja splošno pravilo, ki ga imenujemo Subject-Verb Agreement, ki pravi, da se morata osebek in glagol vedno ujemati.
Obstaja kar nekaj točk tega pravila, pa si jih oglejmo.
(osnovno pravilo)
Osebek in povedek (glagol) se morata vedno ujemati v številu. Edninski osebek bo zahteval edninsko obliko povedka, množinski osebek pa množinsko.
- A good medicine tastes bitter.
- He goes to work by bus.
- They visit us every other week.
Osebek, ki je ločen od povedka z besedami oziroma sklopi, kot so with, as well as, together with, along with, le-teh nima kot svoj sestavni del. Povedek se mora v številu še vedno ujemati z osebkom.
- The politician, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly.
Dva osebka, ki sta združena z veznikom and sta množinska.
- Mary and Joan are quite different.
- Bacon and eggs is my favourite dish.
V tem stavku je bacon and eggs zložen samostalnik.
Dva osebka, ki ju združujejo or/not, either…or/neither…nor, not only…but also, se vežeta na povedek, ki je tem osebkom najbližje.
- Neither my mother nor my father goes to university.
- Either my father or my brothers are coming.
- Not only you but also I am planning to go.
Pri skupnih samostalnikih je povedek lahko v edninski ali množinski obliki, odvisno od pomena.
- The audience was clearly enchanted by her performance.
- The audience are strangely subdued, clapping politely after each song.
V stavkih, ki se začnejo z here or there, pravi osebek sledi povedku.
- There is a bush near the school playground.
- Here are the keys.
Povedek bo edninske oblike, če je osebek edninski nedoločni zaimek, kot so each, either, neither, one, no one, every one, someone, anyone, nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody, one, no.
- Nobody gets rich from writing nowadays.
- Either of the plans is equally dangerous.
Povedek bo množinske oblike, če je osebek množinski nedoločni zaimek, kot so several, few, both, many.
- Several villages have been isolated by the heavy snowfall.
Nekaj nedoločnih zaimkov (some, any, all, most) je lahko ednisnkih ali mnozinskih, odvisno od njihove rabe v stavku: z neštevnimi uporabimo edninsko obliko, s števnimi uporabimo množinsko.
- Some of the books are out of place. Please put them in right order. (Books are countable.)
- Some of the music was weird. (Music is uncountable.)
Edninsko obliko povedka uporabimo za merske ter časovne izraze ter izraze povezane s težo, ko je znesek uporabljen kot ena sama enota.
- Fifty dollars seems a reasonable price.
- Three miles is too far to walk.
- Five dollars were scattered on the on the ground.
Množinske oblike osebkov z edninskim pomenom se vežejo na edninski povedek (mumps, home economics, social studies economics, measles, calisthenics, statistics, civics, physics, gymnastics, phonics, news, acrobatics, aesthetics, thesis, mathematics, …).
- Gymnastics is his favourite sport.
- Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.
Naslovi posameznih enot (knjige, organizacije, države itd) so vedno uporabljeni z edninskim povedkov.
- Harry Potter is an interesting novel.