Okrajšave ali popačenke so skrajšane verzije pisanih ali govornih oblik besede, zloga ali besedne skupine, ki nastajajo z opuščanjem črk ali zvokov, ki jih vsebujejo.

Pogovorne okrajšave niso oblika slenga, so mu pa zelo podobne in funkcionirajo na podoben način.

Beseda “gonna” je krajša oblika sklopa “going to”. Če bi le-tega izgovorili zelo hitro, brez da bi pazljivo izgovorili vsak zvok, boste dobili nekaj, kar bo zvenelo kot “gonna”.

Pomembno si je zapomniti, da teh besed ne uporabljamo, ko nastopamo javno, v formalnih situacijah, niti jih nikoli ne uporabljamo v pisni obliki. Gre za strukture, ki jih uporabljamo, ko govorimo zasebno, s prijatelji itd.

Za razliko od normalnih okrajšav glagolov ipd, s pogovornimi okrajšavami pri njihovem zapisu ne uporabljamo apostrofa.(‘)

Primer, kako slovnično pravilni stavek preide v okrajšavo:

  • What are you going to do?
  • Whatcha going to do?
  • Whatcha gonna do?


  • Do you want a beer?
  • Do you wanna beer?
  • D’you wanna beer?
  • D’ya wanna beer?
  • Ya wanna beer?
  • Wanna beer?
Pogovorne okrajšave v angleščini

1. Ain’t = Am not/are not/is not
I ain’t sure.

2. Ain’t = Has not/have not
He ain’t finished yet.

3. Wanna = Want to
I wanna go home.

4. Wanna = Want a
I wanna coffee.

5. Whatcha = What have you
Whatcha got there?

6. Kinda = Kind of
She’s kinda cute.

7. Sorta = Sort of
I’m sorta tired.

8. Outta = Out of
I’m outta money.

9. Alotta = A lot of
I eat alotta cake.

10. Lotsa = Lots of
I have lotsa money.

11. Mucha = Much of
It’s not mucha a surprise, is it?

12. Cuppa = Cup of
Would you like a cuppa coffee?

13. Dunno = Don’t know
I dunno.

14. Lemme = Let me
Lemme go!

15. Gimme = Give me
Gimme the pen!

16. Tell’em = Tell them
I don’t wanna tell’em.

17. Cos = Because
I don’t like this house cos it’s too big.

18. Innit? = Isn’t it?
It’s green, innit?

19. I’mma = I’m going to
I’mma talk to her.

20. Gonna = Going to
I’m not gonna tell you.

21. Needa = Need to
You needa know about him.

22. Oughta = Ought to
You oughta phone your sister.

23. Hafta = Have to
You hafta go.

24. Hasta = Has to
She hasta work today.

25. Usta = Used to
She usta live in London.

26. Supposta = Supposed to
I’m supposta start a new job on Tuesday.

27. Cmon = Come on
Cmon, do it!

28. Ya = You/ you are
Who saw ya?

29. Gotta = (have) got a
Have you gotta phone?

30. Shoulda = Should have
I shoulda called yesterday.

31. Shouldna = Shouldn’t have
He shouldna told you that.

32. Wouldna = Wouldn’t have
I wouldna done that if I were you.

33. She’da = She would have
She’da liked to be at the meeting today.

34. Coulda = Could have
She coulda been here by 3:00.

35. Woulda = Would have
He woulda arrived earlier.

36. Mighta = Might have
You mighta left the phone at the airport.

37. Mightna = Mightn’t have
He mightna caught his train.

38. Musta = Must have
You musta been in a hurry.

39. Mussna = Must not have
She mussna stolen the money.

40. Dontcha = Don’t you
Dontcha like it?

41. Wontcha = Won’t you
Wontcha drive the car?

42. Whatcha = What are you
Whatcha doing?

43. Betcha = Bet you
Betcha can’t guess the answer!

44. Gotcha = Got you

45. D’you = Do you
D’you like it?

46. Didntcha = Didn’t you
Didntcha like it?

47. S’more = Some more
We will need s’more time.
