»Make« in »do« sta glagola, ki pogostokrat zmedeta učence angleškega jezika, posebej takrat ko se uporabljata kot samostojna, polnopomenska glagola. V tem prispevku si bomo pogledali, kakšna so pravila za njuno rabo.
Glagol »DO« uporabljamo:
- ko govorimo o delu, poklicih ali zadolžitvah oz. nalogah. Bodite pozorni na to, da noben od le-teh ne proizvede nekega fizičnega predmeta.
Have they done their homework?
I have friends visiting tonight so I should start doing the housework now.
I would really like to do that job.
- ko omenjamo aktivnosti na splošno, brez da smo specifični. V takih primerih ponavadi uporabimo zaimke, kot so something, nothing, anything, everything itd. Lahko uporabimo tudi samo besedo »thing«.
Hurry up! I don’t have all day! I have things to do!
Don’t just look at me – do something!
Is there anything I can do to help you?
- za nadomeščanje nekega drugega glagola, pri čemer je pomen drugega glagola jasen iz konteksta. To se pogosto uporablja v govorni angleščini.
Do I need to do my hair? (do = počesati, krtačiti)
Have you done the dishes yet? (done = pomiti)
I’ll do the kitchen if you do the lawns (do = počistiti, do = pokositi)
Sledeče besede se načeloma uporabljajo z glagolom DO:
- a burp
- a course
- a crossword
- a dance
- a drawing
- a fart
- a favor / favour
- a job
- a painting
- a project
- a service
- an assignment
- anything
- badly
- business
- chores
- damage
- everything
- exercises
- good
- harm
- nothing
- research
- right (the right thing)
- something
- the dishes
- the gardening
- the housework
- the ironing
- the laundry
- the rest
- the shopping
- the washing
- well
- work
- wrong (the wrong thing)
- your best
- your hair
- your homework
- your job
- your nails
- your work
Glagol »MAKE« uporabljamo:
- ko govorimo o proizvajanju, kreiranju ali gradnji nečesa novega.She made me a new dress.
The children are making a big castle in the sand. - ko hočemo izpostaviti izvor nekega predmeta ali izdelka oziroma, iz katerega materiala je stvar narejena.
His wedding ring is made of gold.
The house was made of wood.
Wine is made from grapes.
These watches were made in Switzerland.
- ko hočemo izpostaviti neko reakcijo, ki jo nekdo oziroma nekaj ima na nas.
Onions make your eyes water.
You make me happy.
It’s not my fault. My brother made me do it!
- pred določenimi samostalniki, ki se nanašajo na plane in odločitve.
He has made arrangements to finish school early.
They’re making plans for the summer.
You need to make a decision right now.
- s samostalniki, ki se nanašajo na govorjenje in določene zvoke.
She made a nice comment about my presentation.
The baby is asleep so don’t make any noise.
Can I use your phone to make a call?
Don’t make a promise that you cannot keep.
- ko govorimo o hrani, pijači in obrokih.
I made a cake for her birthday.
She made a cup of coffee.
I must go now. I have to make lunch.
Sledeče besede se načeloma uporabljajo z glagolom MAKE:
- a bet
- a cake
- a call
- a change
- a choice
- a comment
- a complaint
- a confession
- a connection
- a cup of coffee / tea
- a date
- a decision
- a demand
- a difference
- a discovery
- a face
- a fool of yourself
- a fortune
- a friend
- a fuss
- a joke
- a line
- a list
- a living
- a loss
- a mess
- a mistake
- a noise
- a pass at someone
- a phone call
- a plan
- a point
- a prediction
- a profit
- a promise
- a reservation
- a sandwich
- a scene
- a sound
- a speech
- a statement
- a suggestion
- advances
- alterations
- an appointment
- an announcement
- an attempt
- an effort
- an error
- an escape
- an exception
- an excuse
- an impression
- an observation
- an offer
- amends
- arrangements
- breakfast
- certain
- clear
- dinner
- faces
- famous
- fun of someone
- love
- lunch
- inquiries
- peace
- possible
- progress
- money
- room
- sales
- sense
- someone rich
- someone smile
- sure
- trouble
- war
- your bed
- your mind up
- your way