Frazni glagoli so v angleščini nekakšna stalnica in se jim ni možno izogniti. Obstajajo glagoli, ki nase vežejo občutno več predlogov kot ostali glagoli. Tak je naprimer glagol GET.
1. Get about
- Pomen: obiskati veliko krajev
- Primer: I get about a lot with my job.
2. Get about
- Pomen: postati znan, priti na dan
- Primer: It didn’t take long for the news to get about – everyone’s talking about it.
3. Get about
- Pomen: hoditi ali obiskovati različna mesta
- Primer: She can’t get about much, but she is in her eighties.
4. Get about
- Pomen: imeti osebne ali intimne odnose z veliko ljudmi
- Primer: She gets about a bit; she’s always with some new guys.
5. Get above
- Pomen: obnašati se, kot da ste boljši oziroma bolj pomembni od drugih
- Primer: She’s been getting above herself since she got promoted.
6. Get across
- Pomen: uspešno komunicirati oziroma prenesti sporočilo
- Primer: Sarah got her ideas across at the meeting.
7. Get across
- Pomen: priti iz ene strani na drugo
- Primer: It’s impossible to get across the road without the traffic light.
8. Get across
- Pomen: premakniti neko stvar iz enega mesta na drugega
- Primer: How are we going to get these bags across the river?
9. Get across to
- Pomen: biti prepričljiv ali narediti dober vits
- Primer: How can a singer get across to the audience?
10. Get after
- Pomen: gnjaviti nekoga oziroma ga utrujati
- Primer: We should get after him to go out with us this weekend.
11. Get after
- Pomen: loviti, preganjati, ujeti
- Primer: Get after her and give her the message before she leaves the building.
12. Get ahead
- Pomen: napredovati
- Primer: Nowadays, you need IT skills if you want to get ahead.
13. Get ahead of
- Pomen: pospešiti nekaj
- Primer: I work at home in the evening to get ahead of schedule.
14. Get along
- Pomen: oditi
- Primer: It’s late; we must be getting along.
15. Get along
- Pomen: napredovati
- Primer: How’s the homework getting along?
16. Get along with
- Pomen: razumeti se z nekom
- Primer: I want to get along with my sister but we have nothing in common.
17. Get along with
- Pomen: sporijemati se z nečim
- Primer: How are you getting along with your report?
18. Get around
- Pomen: postati znan, priti na dan
- Primer: It didn’t take long for the news to get around once it got into the newspapers.
19. Get around
- Pomen: hoditi ali obiskovati različna mesta
- Primer: He gets around a lot – he’s always flying somewhere different.
20. Get around
- Pomen: premikati se
- Primer: He’s finding it hard to get around since the operation and spends most of his time at home.
21. Get around
- Pomen: izogibati se nekemu problemu
- Primer: You can’t get around the fact that smoking kills.
22. Get around
- Pomen: prepričati nekoga v nekaj
- Primer: She didn’t want to accept my application because it was late, but I managed to get around her.
23. Get around
- Pomen: imeti osebne ali intimne odnose z veliko ljudmi
- Primer: He gets around a bit; he’s always with some new girlfriend.
24. Get through
- Pomen: Manage to pass
- Primer: The water got through the roof and damaged the carpets.
25. Get around to
- Pomen: končno uspeti nekaj narediti, truditi se nekaj opraviti
- Primer: It always takes me ages to get around to replying to letters.
26. Get at
- Pomen: uporabiti grožnje, podkupnino ipd, da bi vplivali na nekogaršnjo odločitev
- Primer: The gangsters got at the jury despite the evidence presented in court.
27. Get at
- Pomen: kritizirati
- Primer: His boss is always getting at him for arriving late.
28. Get at
- Pomen: misliti, ciljati na kaj
- Primer: What do you think she’s getting at? I’ve no idea what she wants.
29. Get at
- Pomen: doseči
- Primer: It’s on the top shelf and I can’t get at it.
30. Get away
- Pomen: zbežati
- Primer: The robber got away with a lot of jewellery, which the police later found abandoned.
31. Get away
- Pomen: oditi na kratek oddih
- Primer: We love to get away from everything and relax on the beach.
32. Get away
- Pomen: odtrgati se od nečesa
- Primer: He didn’t come because he was stuck at work and couldn’t get away.
33. Get away from
- Pomen: odmakniti se od ključne teme pogovora
- Primer: We should not get away from the main ideas here.
34. Get away with
- Pomen: nekaj doseči, čeprav smo to naredili na pol ali nepravilno, “izmazati se z nečim”
- Primer: Do you think we could get away with using the cheaper product?
35. Get away with
- Pomen: zbežati brez kazni
- Primer: Thieves got away with a car worth $200 000.
36. Get up
- Pomen: vstati iz postelje
- Primer: I get up at seven o’clock on weekdays, but lie in till noon at the weekend.
37. Get away!
- Pomen: izraz presenečenja in nejevere, dvoma
- Primer: ‘These tickets didn’t cost me a thing.’ ‘Get away!’
38. Get back
- Pomen: vrniti se od nekod
- Primer: The train was held up so we didn’t get back home until midnight.
39. Get back
- Pomen: vrniti nekaj
- Primer: Don’t lend him any money; you’ll never get it back.
40. Get back
- Pomen: odmaknit se
- Primer: The police told the crowd to get back to allow the ambulance through.
41. Get back at
- Pomen: maščevati se
- Primer: I’ll get back at her for landing me in trouble.
42. Get back into
- Pomen: ponovno začeti z neko aktivnostjo, potem ko je nismo opravljali nekaj časa
- Primer: I am getting back into my singing lessons after the summer break.
43. Get back into
- Pomen: najti novo motivacijo, da opravljamo nekaj
- Primer: The children lost interest for a while, but they are getting back into it.
44. Get back to
- Pomen: odzvati se nekomu, ko bomo dobili oz. imeli neko informacijo
- Primer: I’ll get back to you as soon as I hear any news.
45. Get back to
- Pomen: ponovno začeti nekaj opravljati po tem, ko smo bili prekinjeni
- Primer: It took me ages to get back to sleep after the phone rang.
46. Get back together
- Pomen: ponovno začeti vezo
- Primer: We split up a few months ago but got back together last week.
47. Get together
- Pomen: sestati se z nekom
- Primer: We got together in the pub for a drink.
48. Get off
- Pomen: sestopiti z vlaka, avtobusa
- Primer: I got off the bus and walked to my house.
49. Get behind
- Pomen: podpreti nekoga
- Primer: Teachers always get behind their students.
50. Get behind with
- Pomen: biti pozen s plačili ipd
- Primer: If you get behind with mortgage payments, you might lose your home.
51. Get by
- Pomen: imeti ravno dovolj denarja za preživetje
- Primer: I am getting by because my brother gave me money.
52. Get by
- Pomen: ne biti opažen, biti spregledan (npr. napake)
- Primer: I had checked it, but there still were a few errors that didn’t get by the computer repair shop.
53. Get by on
- Pomen: uspeti preživeti z določenim zneskom denarja
- Primer: It’s hard to get by on my salary.
54. Get by with
- Pomen: imeti dovolj nečesa, da lahko opravimo neko opravilo
- Primer: We could get by with that computer, but a more powerful one would be better.
55. Get down
- Pomen: narediti nekoga depresivnega, nesrečnega ipd
- Primer: The miserable weather in winter really gets me down.
56. Get down
- Pomen: zapisati, zabeležiti
- Primer: I couldn’t get down everything he said.
57. Get down
- Pomen: uspeti pogoltniti
- Primer: The medicine tasted horrible and it was difficult to get it down.
58. Get down
- Pomen: oditi od mize po obroku
- Primer: When they had finished dinner, the children asked if they could get down.
59. Get down
- Pomen: zmanjšati
- Primer: The doctor says I my get my cholesterol levels down.
60. Get on
- Pomen: vstopiti na vlak, avtobus
- Primer: Dan got on the train to go to the capital.