Tudi božični čas je navdih angleškemu jeziku, da tvori nove fraze in idiome, za katere niti ni nujno, da so uporabljeni zgolj v prazničnem delu leta.
Stocking stuffer
Pomen: majhno darilo, še posebej takšno, ki se ga vstavi v božično nogavico, ki visi nad kaminom
Primer: She went to the store today to look for some stocking stuffers for the children.
To trim the tree
Pomen: okrasiti božično drevo z lučkami, trakovi in okraski
Primer: My family usually trims the Christmas tree with red and blue lights and shiny ornaments.
White Christmas
Pomen: božič s snegom
Primer: We seldom get white Christmas in LA.
The holiday spirit
Pomen: vznemirjenje glede praznikov
Primer: December isn’t here yet and I’m already feeling the holiday spirit.
Be my guest
Pomen: vljuden način, s katerim nekomu povemo, naj si postreže z nečim
Primer: A: Do you mind if I get that last piece of cake? B: Be my guest.
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
Pomen: ne biti nehvaležen za prejeto darilo
Primer: A: Oh no, my mom bought me a novel. B: Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.
To beat the holiday blues
Pomen: početi nekaj, s čimer se človek znebi stresa in občutka depresije, ki ga lahko prinesejo prazniki
Primer: When I want to beat the holiday blues I always think about the fact that soon it will be over.
Good things come in small packages
Pomen: darila ne smemo ocenjevati po njegovi velikosti, saj so včasih najboljša darila tudi najmanjša
Primer: At first I was saddened by the size of my gift, but I thought to myself that good things come in small packages. I was not mistaken, because inside there were keys to a new car!
Christmas comes but once a year
Pomen: izgovor, ki ga uporabimo, ko hočemo prekomerno zapravljati ali se vdajati hrani
Primer: A: Do you want another piece of the pie? B: Sure, why not? Christmas comes but once a year.
Christmas came early (this year)
Pomen: ko nekdo nepričakovani dobi dobre novice
Primer: Did you hear that she is pregnant? Christmas came early this year for her and Tom.
The more the merrier
Pomen: več kot je ljudi, bolj veselo bo
Primer: A: Can I bring my girlfriend to the holiday party? B: Sure, the more the merrier.
Be there with bells on
Pomen: uporabljeno kot odziv na povabilo in potrdilo, da boste z veseljem prišli
Primer: He invited me to his birthday party. I will be there with bells on.
Like turkeys voting for Christmas
Pomen: uporabljeno za ljudi, ki se odločijo, da bodo sprejeli škodljivo situacijo, ki ni v njihovem interesu
Primer: So now you have people, like turkeys voting for Christmas, supporting different crazy policies.