Vezniki so besede, ki združujejo fraze, stavke in povedi. V angleščini jih delimo na tri vrste: priredne, podredne in soodvisne.


Pridedni vezniki so: and/or/but/nor/as/for/so. Ko so uporabljeni za povezovanje dveh neodvisnih stavkov, morajo biti uporabljeni z vejico, ki jo postavimo PRED veznik. 

  • For – izraža razlog, logični zaključek ⇒ (They do not gamble or smoke, for they are ascetics.)
  • And – izraža nenasprotujoči si stvari ali ideji ⇒ (They gamble, and they smoke.)
  • Nor – izraža nenasprotujočo si zanikano idejo ⇒ (They do not gamble, nor do they smoke.)
  • But – izraža kontrast ali izjemo ⇒ (They gamble, but they don’t smoke.)
  • Or – izraža drugo možnost ali idejo ⇒ (Every day they gamble, or they smoke.)
  • Yet – izraža kontrast ali izjemo ⇒ (They gamble, yet they don’t smoke.)
  • So – izraža posledico ⇒ (He gambled well last night, so he smoked a cigar to celebrate.)

Da bi si lažje zapomnili, kdaj uporabiti vejico, si zapomnite frazo F.A.N.B.O.Y.S., ki je sestavljena iz prvih črk vsakega veznika.


Podredni veznik je beseda, ki povezuje glavni stavek s podrednim.  Glavni stavek je neodvisni stavek, ki lahko stoji sam. Za odvisnim stavkom moramo vedno uporabiti vejico.  Vejice NE uporabite, če je vrstni red stavkov v povedi obraten, torej glavni stavek pred odvisnim stavkom.

While I was eating, the cat scratched at the door.
Because I was late, I had to sit in the back.

Podrednih veznikov obstaja cela skupina. Sem uvrščamo: than, rather than, whether, as much as, whereas, that, whatever, which, whichever, after, as soon as, as long as, before, by the time, now that, once, since, till, until, when, whenever, while, though, although, even though, who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, where, wherever, if, only if, unless, provided that, assuming that, even if, in case (that), lest, how, as though, as if, because, since, so that, in order (that), that, as …

Da bi to veliko skupino poenostavili, veznike delimo v podskupine, in sicer:

  • primerjalni vezniki
  • časovni vezniki
  • dopustni vezniki
  • oziralni vezniki
  • vzročni vezniki
  • pogojni vezniki
  • krajvni vezniki
  • načinovni vezniki


He is cleverer than I am.
You must decide whether you will go by train or by plane.
I eat as much as you.
Elliot is tall and blond, whereas his brother is short and has dark hair.
She went to the school that my father went to.
I copied in my notebook whatever he wrote on the blackboard.
The car which I drive is old.
Bruce will wear his pink or green sweater, whichever is clean.


Soodvisni vezniki delujejo v paru in povezujejo besede in skupine besed, ki nosijo enako težo v povedi, torej so v sorazmerju. Obstaja več parov takih veznikov: 

  • both…and,
  • either…or,
  • neither…nor,
  • whether…or,
  • not  only…but also,
  • such…that,
  • scarcely…when,
  • no  sooner…than


She played both hockey and basketball when she was a student.
I will eat either carrots or peas for dinner.
Natalie, likes neither milk nor cream cake.
Do you care whether we have noodles or rice for dinner?
Not only will they paint the outside of the house but also the inside.
He is such a bad-tempered person that no one can work with him for long.
Scarcely had she finished reading when she fell asleep.
No sooner did he enter the room than he saw a snake.

