Preberite stavke in postavite glagole v pravilno obliko – Past Simple ali Past Continuous.

Vprašanje 1

The dog (bark) , but nobody (wake up) .

Vprašanje 2

My mother (cut) onions when she (hurt) her hand.

Vprašanje 3

When Denis (see) Tim, he (not study) , he (nap) at his desk.

Vprašanje 4

He (give) her the ring as the bus (leave) .

Vprašanje 5

When I (finish) school, I (move) to London and (study) English for six months.

Vprašanje 6

The thief (come) while they (dance) to some music. They (not hear) him because they (play) the music too loudly.

Vprašanje 7

He (study) in Scotland when the demostrations (begin) .

Vprašanje 8

The police (stop) me because I (not wear) a seat-belt.

Vprašanje 9

While we (walk) in the nature we (run into) some wild animals.

Vprašanje 10

I (do) my homework when the storm (begin) .

Vprašanje 11

We (play) monopoly when the fire (start) .

Vprašanje 12

Madonna (sing) in a show when she suddenly (lose) her voice.

Vprašanje 13

My friend (meet) her husband while she (travel) around the world.

Vprašanje 14

They (see) the koalas while they (visit) the local ZOO.

Vprašanje 15

The tiger (not hunt) when the hunter (shoot) it.

Vprašanje 16

What (you/do) after you (get) home? I (take) a shower and then I (do) some housework.

Vprašanje 17

I (watch) TV when my aunt (call) .

Vprašanje 18

Jake (break) his ankle when he (play) hockey.

Vprašanje 19

My mother (lose) her wallet when she (walk) to work.

Vprašanje 20

I (meet) an old friend while I (wait) for the train.

Vprašanje 21

While I (have) a bath, the electricity (go out) .

Vprašanje 22

They (drive) to the hospital when the babies (be born) .

Vprašanje 23

The students (copy) homework when the professor (arrive) .

Vprašanje 24

What (you/do) when the crash (happen) ?

Vprašanje 25

When the children (run) in the park, she (trip) and (fall).

Vprašanje 26

When the bell (ring) , we (play) badminton.

Vprašanje 27

I (not see) him, when I (jog) in the park.

Vprašanje 28

While she (do) her homework, her sister (make) supper.