Združi stavke z uporabo oziralnega zaimka, kot kaže zgled. Če je možno opusti zaimek in dodaj vejice, kjer so potrebne.

Zgled: I have one black cat. His name is Blacky. ⇒ I have one black cat, whose name is Blacky.

Vprašanje 1

My uncle died last week. He had been ailing for a while.

Vprašanje 2

He is the offender. The police have arrested him.

Vprašanje 3

Prince Charles will be the king of England one day. His mother is Queen Elizabeth.

Vprašanje 4

The boy didn’t do his homework. The teacher punished him.

Vprašanje 5

He is the person. I want to see him.

Vprašanje 6

Carol plays the piano brilliantly. She is only 9 years old.

Vprašanje 7

That is the road. It leads to the railway station.

Vprašanje 8

Michael is a policeman. His father is a judge.

Vprašanje 9

He was my teacher. I will never forget him.

Vprašanje 10

This is the house. Jack built it.

Vprašanje 11

The parcel reached me this morning. My brother sent it.

Vprašanje 12

The city seems to be abandoned. It is usually crowded with people.

Vprašanje 13

I saw a soldier. He had lost an arm.

Vprašanje 14

The car dashed against a tree. It was going at over 100 mph.

Vprašanje 15

I bought a computer last month. It doesn't work properly.

Vprašanje 16

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain. I enjoyed it a lot.

Vprašanje 17

One of the bins smells awful. You haven’t emptied the bin for 3 weeks.

Vprašanje 18

He is a cheerful boy. Everybody loves him.

Vprašanje 19

My father hardly received any formal education. He went on to become a great leader.

Vprašanje 20

I bought this cake yesterday. It tastes delicious.

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