Spodnji stavki vsebujejo nepravilno uporabljene količinske izraze. Poišči jih in zapiši stavke v pravilni obliki, kot kaže zgled.

Zgled: Do you know how many money he has? ⇒ Do you know how much money he has?

Vprašanje 1

Do you have an oranges?

Vprašanje 2

I don't have some money.

Vprašanje 3

I don't eat many.

Vprašanje 4

There aren't some flowers.

Vprašanje 5

There is a milk.

Vprašanje 6

There aren't some flowers in the vase.

Vprašanje 7

How much oranges are on the table?

Vprašanje 8

Here are much students.

Vprašanje 9

Can I have any ice-cream?

Vprašanje 10

Would you like any tea?

Vprašanje 11

Does she have an umbrellas?

Vprašanje 12

He is any boy.

Vprašanje 13

There are any books.

Vprašanje 14

How many does this cost?

Vprašanje 15

How many snow do you see?