Edninske stavke spremeni v množinske, kot kaže zgled. Upoštevaj vse spremembe.

Zgled: This is a cat. ⇒ These are cats.

Vprašanje 1

This book is boring.

Vprašanje 2

Where is this person from?

Vprašanje 3

That girl is a waitress.

Vprašanje 4

Take this key.

Vprašanje 5

Give the teacher this book.

Vprašanje 6

Bring that glass.

Vprašanje 7

That is my car.

Vprašanje 8

This city is small.

Vprašanje 9

When is that film?

Vprašanje 10

This office is near the hospital.

Po končani nalogi, preverite rezultate, nato nadaljujte z nalogo na naslednji strani.

Strani: 1 2 3 4