Preberite stavke in glagole v oklepajih postavite v ustrezen čas – Going to future ali Present Continuous.

Vprašanje 1

A: Do you have a ticket for the big match on Sunday?
B: No, I don't even know who (play).

Vprašanje 2

We  (write) our own blog soon.

Vprašanje 3

What  you  (do) with the money you won in the lottery?

Vprašanje 4

Look at that boy on the ladder! He  (fall).

Vprašanje 5

she (have) a meeting with you tomorrow?

Vprašanje 6

We (take) the children to the seaside this summer.

Vprašanje 7

Where  they  (spend) their holidays?

Vprašanje 8

She  (spend) a year in Austria teaching German.

Vprašanje 9

My boyfriend (come) to stay with me next month.

Vprašanje 10

Why do you need sugar and eggs?  you  (bake) a cake?

Vprašanje 11

He (have) an eye operation next week.

Vprašanje 12

He has just called to say that he (not come) back till Friday night.

Vprašanje 13

(tell) him the truth.

Vprašanje 14

We (have) some friends to lunch tomorrow.

Vprašanje 15

It's very cold. I (light) a fire.

Vprašanje 16

I (play) cards with our neighbours tonight.

Vprašanje 17

Take a raincoat. It  (rain).

Vprašanje 18

Sorry, I will not be home at the weekend. I  (visit) my relatives.

Vprašanje 19

The policeman (ask) you a few questions.

Vprašanje 20

A: Why are you holding that book in your hands?
B: I (read) you some of my own poems.