Rešite spodnje naloge, ki se vežejo na trdilne in nikalne oblike glagola »BITI«.

Vprašanje 1

Stavke dopolni s trdilnimi oblikami glagola »BITI«.

Peter  my friend. He  a doctor. We like brothers.
What time  it now? It  five o'clock.
Apples  red.
How  you? I  OK.
It  cold today.
Tomaž and Sabina  married.
The old woman wise.
The game difficult.
They always tired.
The children young.
The sun hot.

Vprašanje 2

V spodnji vaji uporabi trdilne in nikalne oblike glagola "BITI". Uporabi dolge oblike, ne krajšanih.

I happy. I (-) sad.
I at the lake with my family. It hot and sunny outside. The water warm.
The library (-) open after 9:00 p.m.
The school small. It (-) big.
The school books new. They (-) old.
Jana at home. She (-) at school.
Tadej and Miha very smart. Miha a scientist but Tadej  (-). He an architect.

Po končani nalogi, preverite rezultate, nato nadaljujte z nalogo na naslednji strani.

Strani: 1 2 3