Pred vami je bralni tekst razdeljen na odstavke. Vsak odstavek ima svoj naslov. Med spodnjimi naslovi izberi ustreznega in črko zapiši v okvirček nad besedilom. En naslov je odveč.
a If you think you might have an addiction
b What’s the problem if it isn’t doing any harm?
c So if you can be addicted to anything, what makes it an addiction?
d If you still enjoy it, it can’t be an addiction, right?
e Living with addiction
f Top 5 things to know about addictions
For a long time, addiction meant an uncontrollable habit of using alcohol or other drugs. More recently, the concept of addiction has expanded to include behaviors, such as gambling, as well as substances, and even ordinary and necessary activities, such as exercise and eating. The key is that the person finds the behavior pleasurable in some way and engages excessively in the behavior as a way of coping with life. By the time a person is addicted, the behavior will be causing more problems in the person’s life than it solves.
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